Preview the next Hawthorne House Novel!
The next Hawthorne House novel will be out next summer and I have the cover! It will officially be released in a couple of weeks, but if you all work together, you'll be able to see it early!

Not enough of a preview for you? Well, we're also going to try something new! Take a picture of yourself (or your cat, dog, tomato plant, etc) reading A Noble Masquerade and upload it to Pinterest with the Hashtag #HHNovelPreviewContest and tag me @authorKristiAnn. Everyone who puts up a picture will get early access to the Pinterest inspiration board for the next novel - probably in February.
Wait! There's more! Three pictures (Most original, cutest, and my personal favorite) will win early access to the prologue and chapter one. So snap those pics!
Pinterest is a free service, so you can create an account at no cost if you don't already have one. I accept no blame on any pinterest addictions that develop because of this contest. ;)