Scapulae and Bible Study
Let me tell you a story about this workout series I'm doing. It involves downward dog, shoulder blades, and maturing in Biblical theology.

Go Your Own Way, or Better Yet, God's Way ~ An Uncommon Courtship Dig Deeper Devotional
When I was in elementary school, I wanted so badly to be cool and trendy and fit in with the emerging popular crowd. It was the time when...

Love is a Verb. And a Choice ~ An Uncommon Courtship Dig Deeper Devotional
During my awkward and at times unfortunately unforgettable teenage years, DC Talk hit the scene. When my youth group would go to camp or...
The Dangers of Lone Wolves ~ An A Noble Masquerade Dig Deeper Devotional
There’s an old saying that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. There’s an incredible amount of pride in that...
The Plans He Has For You ~ An A Noble Masquerade Dig Deeper Devotional
Walk into any Christian gift or book store and you’ll find a plethora of items decorated with Jeremiah 29:11. The verse is widely used...
Finding Where We Belong ~ A Lady of Esteem Dig Deeper Devotional
"In the beginning…" Have you ever noticed that some of the most heartbreaking stories begin that way? In the beginning, he was so nice...
How a new creation deals with old sin ~ A Lady of Esteem Dig Deeper Devotional
Based on 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 If you've ever given up a bad habit, you've experienced "The Look". It drifts over the features of...